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Studio Orbyq was created from a singular mind of a brand and UI designer. Here, the pursuit is simple yet profound, to craft designs that mesmerize and achieve equilibrium. With unwavering dedication to detail, an inherent sense of balance, and a touch of artistic flair, ideas spring to life, transforming into captivating realities.​


Branding & Visual Identity

Logo design, visual idenity development

UI Design

User Interface Design

Wireframing & prototyping (mobile and desktop)

Design System

Design System Development

Setting up a comprehensive Design System

UX Research

User Experience Research

Usability testing, research and adjusting

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More About Me

As a designer, I draw inspiration from various creative realms that shape my unique perspective. Films serve as a captivating source of inspiration, fueling my curiosity to analyze their artistic visions and uncover hidden depths. Likewise, my passion for music drives me to constantly explore new genres and artists, providing a harmonious backdrop to my creative process.

In addition, I embrace the world of games as a means of exploring new realms and pushing the boundaries of imagination. This exploration allows me to expand my horizons and infuse fresh perspectives into my own creative endeavors. By immersing myself in diverse artistic experiences, I continually broaden my understanding of different styles and forms of art.

This broad perspective enables me to integrate new and refreshing ideas into my work, creating designs that are both innovative and engaging.

Through the convergence of my love for films, music, and games, I forge a unique path as a designer, driven by a relentless pursuit of inspiration and an unwavering commitment to pushing creative boundaries.